Natasha Warner

Natasha Warner

Gender: Female

I have been a Physician Associate (PA) for 12 years. I was the first RCP FPA PA of the Year in 2016. I studied BSc Biomedical Science at UCL in 2005 and then did the Master's PA course at the University of Birmingham in 2010. I have worked in various settings, both NHS and private, across primary and secondary care, in both fixed positions and as a locum, and taught on the Brunel PA course. 

In addition to my PA role in primary care, I also work as an outreach coordinator for a non-profit organisation called YourStance and was awarded the 'No more red: community champions' award from Arsenal in the Community in 2023. YourStance, led by medical professionals, runs a preventitatve educational project which empowers young people at risk from serious youth violence by teaching them lifesaving skills such as basic life support, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and hemorrhage control - this allows them to make informed decisions when faced with an emergency.